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About Us
Neurofeedback is a non-FDA approved approach to mental health improvement. It is an active treatment from the patient's perspective. "Leads," or metallic sensors are place on a patient's head in order to read electrical activity. Much like with EEG or EKG devices. This is painless. Electrical activity from the brain is interpreted by the device's software. The patient is given "feedback" on what their brain is doing in real time. While undergoing treatment a patient is provided earphones to listen to soothing music. The device gives feedback through scratches in the music and through changes on a screen to inform the patient of changes in the brain. Through this feedback, a patient is better able to remain focused on peaceful psychologic states. Mediation trainer is a good analogy, as the device is helpful for deeper meditation states and more peaceful thought processes.
Neurofeedback is primarily used as an adjunctive option for a mindfulness approach to mental health. It is not a replacement for a standard of care for most psychiatric conditions, especially severe conditions or acute exacerbations. We offer this treatment for patients looking to improve on mindfulness. Our device is from NeurOptimal and more information can be found on their website.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback & Brain Training Systems for Personal & Professional Use

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